Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Second Breakfast

First time I came across "second breakfast" was from one of the well-loved hobbits, Pippin (Remember that scene from The Fellowship of the Ring, when the 4 hobbits and Aragorn were on their way to Rivendell)
And I thought then that he was being silly. 
I was wrong! 
A few years later, "second breakfast" became a staple at home.

Breakfast (operative meaning being "the first meal of the day") is a pretty predictable fare in our household--Mondays to Fridays are fresh fruits (purely fruits--no sugar, no salt please), Saturdays are native banana crepe while Sundays' heavy plates of rice (always referring to brown/red kind), sunny side-up eggs and sardines. 
Brewed coffee is always part of second breakfast, today we're having it with slices of toasted wheat bread.  I've been trying to skimp on dairy products, so it's a "no butter please" for me. 

Why the need for a second breakfast? Because fresh fruits stay are easily digestible, staying only for a very short time in our stomach, easily absorbed by our body.  Half an hour after your final bite and you're hungry!

This is just today's second breakfast we're talking about. 
Lunch in a bit is steamed rice, grilled tanigue and baked beans. 

Pleasant day to y'all!

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